Jumat, 28 Maret 2008

K-W-L: A Strategy for Learning

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The K-W-L chart is a way for you to put in writing some of your ideas about lenses. You will be using this chart from time to time, so leave yourself plenty of room for adding ideas, questions, and information. The chart has three columns: K - what you already know about lenses; W - what you would like to know about lenses; and L - what you have learned about lenses. The L column gets filled in as you discover new things, so at first it will have a lot less in it than the other columns.

Required Materials
• K-W-L chart
• Science notebook

Activity Directions
1. Design your K-W-L chart. If you have already done this, or if your teacher has given you a chart, make sure that you have enough room to use it for a long time. Some ways to do this is to design your own K-W-L using computer paper or poster board.
2. In the K part of your chart, write the things that you think you know about lenses. Don't worry about being right or wrong! This is only a way for you to keep information.
3. Now, under the W section, enter any questions that you have about lenses. Also list types of lenses that you may wish to learn about, such as contact lenses or wide-angle lenses. In your science notebook, list ways that you could answer these questions or find more information.
4. The L column is where you will put things that you have learned. For example, if you asked the question How do contact lenses work?, you can put the answer to this question in the L column. As you fill in the L column, you may think of even more questions to put in the W column of your chart.
What Theacher Resources

K-W-L: A Strategy for Learning
The K-W-L chart can be used to help students clarify their ideas about difficult concepts and take responsibility for their own learning. It is also an opportunity for teachers and students to look at possible misconceptions and use them as a vehicle for asking questions and finding ways to answer them. A simple, yet effective strategy, the chart itself is divided into three columns: K – what I know, W – what I would like to know, and L – what I have learned. Creating the charts and keeping them accessible at all times as they work on light and optics enables students to easily keep track of any new ideas or information they may encounter, as well as any new questions that arise.
Required Materials
K-W-L charts
Science notebooks

What will the students do?
Students will think about lenses and make entries regarding them on their K-W-L charts. Since the class should have already completed Activity 1, students will have most likely already discussed microscopes, telescopes, binoculars, and other devices that assist us in seeing things that cannot be perceived by the naked eye. The prior discussion will largely serve as the basis of their K-W-L entries. However, depending upon their backgrounds and personalities, students will have varying numbers of entries in each of their charts' columns. Encourage students to make entries in the W column in the form of questions, further emphasizing the process of asking and answering questions.

Students can be motivated to make additions to their K-W-L charts as study progresses or as a culminating activity, entering what they think they have learned at the end of an activity or at the end of the entire unit of study. In addition to being used in regards to light and optics, this learning strategy can be used with other areas of inquiry and as an ongoing assessment of student mastery of difficult concepts.

For younger children, making a K-W-L chart on butcher paper on their table or desk so it is accessible as they are working might be helpful. Also, completing a class K-W-L with children who cannot write may help some students learn to articulate their ideas by talking them out with others.

Have older students react to each other's K-W-L charts by answering the following questions in their science notebooks: How is your K-W-L chart like your classmate's? Are there changes that you wish to make on your chart? What are they and how can you change it? What information is missing from your K-W-L that would help you?

Assessments - Check K-W-L charts either periodically or at the end of a set period of time. From time to time, remind students to write on their charts so that they will not have to try and remember everything at the end when you are ready to assign a grade. If students are filling in their charts in a way that makes sense to them and they can discuss their ideas with you, then they have successfully completed this task.
Activity Extensions
Expanding the K-W-L
- You can add a column to the K-W-L chart in which students identify sources for answering their questions. It then becomes a K-W-W-L, due to the addition of a column entitled where I can find the information. For some students, this would be listing books, magazines, people, or places where they could find answers to their questions. It could also be a list of web sites students can access to find information.

Research - Have students design a plan for gathering the information that would help them answer their questions. After all, a student putting something in the W column that he or she wants to learn about serves no purpose unless the student has a strategy for acquiring that knowledge. A research plan or list of possible ways to find the desired information will help some students begin their search for answers.

Presentation - Students should design a way to present their completed K-W-L chart to the whole class, to a group of students, or as part of a class poster session. If you are doing a class K-W-L, students may wish to present their findings to other classes or to younger students. This will encourage others to ask questions and students will have to explain their findings. When all students have had a chance to see what others have done, brainstorm a class list of questions that remain unanswered. Use this list for students to plan and implement a way to test new ideas and answer questions.

Expository Writing - Scientists ask and answer questions, and so should students. Have your class members choose one question from their K-W-L charts and think about how they answered the question. Tell them to write a description of how they discovered the answer to the question.

History Vignette: Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) is known for many inventions, sayings, and accomplishments, but is important here for his development of the bifocal lens. The invention was spawned by the frustration he incurred when he discovered that he was both near-sighted and far-sighted. At first, he had two pairs of glasses and was constantly switching from one pair to the other, but then he decided to cut the lenses of both pairs in half, mounting one on top of the other in a single frame. The new design allowed him to read small print and see objects far away with the same pair of glasses.
Franklin was the son of an Englishman who moved to America in 1683. His father had been a textile dyer in England, but became a candle and soap maker in his new homeland due to a need for these items among the colonists. Since he had to change his occupation to earn a living, Franklin's father insisted that each of his sons learn a marketable trade. Franklin, however, showed the most academic promise in the family and was, therefore, enrolled in school at the age of 8. Yet, he had difficulty in mathematics and was soon withdrawn from school to serve as an apprentice in the printing business.
Franklin's older brother, James, was already in the printing trade and through his brother's connections with booksellers, Franklin began reading the classics in literature and philosophy, learning on his own as he apprenticed. Then, when James established a newspaper known as the New England Courant, Franklin's cleverness and talent contributed to the success of the publication. Only 16 years old, Franklin wrote stories using the pseudonym Silence Dogood and slipped them under the door of his brother's newspaper. No one knew who the author was, but the articles were published and made the newspaper, and Silence Dogood, famous. A certain amount of jealousy arose between the two brothers, however, and after a fistfight Franklin left Boston and his brother's shop.
Franklin used his skill as a printer to find work in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and eventually became a success in his own right. He married, started his own printing business, and lived a full life as an international diplomat, scientist, statesman, philosopher, musician, and economist. Franklin's experiments with electricity are well documented, as are his many inventions, which include the Franklin stove, the catheter, and the lightning rod.
Reading - Encourage students to read Ben and Me: A New and Astonishing Life of Benjamin Franklin As Written by His Good Mouse Amos (ISBN 0316517305) by Robert Lawson. This is the "true" story of Benjamin Franklin and his many adventures and accomplishments as told by his mouse-friend, Amos. Discuss the biography genre with your class and how the telling of one's life story can be accomplished with humor and fun.
Activity - Have students choose a famous person and imagine what pet that person would have. Then, students can write a story about something that happens to that person from the pet's perspective or point of view. Encourage students to include events that they have researched to provide a feeling of realism to their writing.

Artist Vignette: Jacques-Louis David
Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825) was chosen for this vignette because of the influence of political events upon his work. His art was largely used for political means, preserving major events and prevailing attitudes at the time of the French Revolution. After being imprisoned for voting for the King's execution and participating in political rallies, David was released because of his loyalist wife's influence. After his release, David transferred his efforts to painting Napoleon and his exploits. When Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo in 1815, David fled to Brussels, where he died ten years later.
David's work is filled with the minute details of political life in France around 1800. However, his attention to detail did not always portray reality. One famous work, Napoleon in His Study, is David's interpretation of Napoleon. Although the furniture and surrounding accessories are true to the style of that time, David clearly took liberties with Napoleon's dress in order to indicate one of his health problems.
David's works are housed in the Louvre Museum in Paris, in the National Gallery in Washington, DC, and in the Musee Royale des Beaux Arts in Brussels. His combination of portraiture with the neoclassical style of painting contributed to the establishment of what is known as the French Empire style.
Activity - Have students choose a contemporary or historical political person and imagine that he or she has commissioned a portrait. Either have students create the portraits or simply plan the portraits, determining surroundings, furniture, accessories, and important documents that they may wish to include in the depiction. K-W-L charts may be used to help students determine what research they should complete to make the best choices for their portraits. Students should be able to explain to others the importance of each element of their paintings and how they characterize the subject.
Discussion - You may also want to point out that the portrait of Napoleon discussed previously was commissioned by an Englishman who was trying to gain Napoleon's favor in hopes of having the Stuarts restored to the British throne. This could be used as a starting point for a discussion regarding ways political favor may be gained or lost, and how such actions may sometimes alter the course of history.
from http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu

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Selasa, 25 Maret 2008


When we try to do the seeking by Google, hence seeking result which is too much so that I confuse to chosen result of most precise seeking
So the article following hopefully earn more explaining as such we use the searc engine google.

(Ketika kita mencoba melakukan pencarian dengan Google, maka dihasil pencarian yang terlalu banyak sehingga saya malah bingung memilih hasil pencarian yang paling tepat.
Nah artikel berikut semoga dapat lebih menjelaskan bagai mana kita menggunakan robot google.)

Meskipun Google menyediakan banyak fitur pencarian, saya yakin tidak banyak dari kita yang menggunakannya pada saat melakukan pencarian informasi. Akhirnya kita kena badai tsunami informasi dari Google yang akhirnya membuat kita bingung sendiri. Kita bahas yuk, teknik pencarian yang efektif itu sebaiknya seperti apa sih.
Secara umum, jenis pencarian di Google ada dua: Basic Search dan Advanced Search. Basic Search adalah fitur pencarian yang sudah biasa kita gunakan yaitu ketika mengakses langsung google.com.

Sedangkan Advanced Search menyediakan berbagai pilihan fitur pencarian baik untuk operator dasar, file format yang ingin kita cari, bahasa, region, dsb.
Sebenarnya masih sangat banyak fitur pencarian yang bisa kita gunakan, tapi tidak terdapat di menu pilihan Advanced Search. Dengan kata lain kita harus memasukannya query di form pencarian di Basic Search langsung. Nah permainan query dan operator pencarian ini yang sebenarnya akan kita bahas di artikel ini.

: Mencari informasi yang mengandung kedua kata yang dicari. Bisa menggunakan salah satu dari tiga alternatif berikut:ukiran jeparaukiran AND jeparaukiran+jepara

OR: Mencari informasi yang mengandung salah satu dari kedua kata. Bisa menggunakan salah satu dari dua alternatif berikut:tahu OR tempetahu tempe
FRASE: Mencari informasi yang mengandung frase yang dicari dengan menggunakan tanda “”. Contoh:“perangkat lunak”

NOT: Hasil pencarian mengandung kata yang di depan, tapi tidak yang dibelakang minus (-). Contoh di bawah akan mencari informasi yang mengandung kata ikan tapi bukan bandeng.ikan -bandeng

SINONIM (~): Mencari kata beserta sinonim-sinonimnya. Contoh di bawah akan membawa hasil pencarian: kendaraan (car) dan sinonim-sinonimnya.~car

ASTERIK (*): Karakter pengganti kata. Dari contoh di bawah, hasil yang didapat bisa: ayam bakar pedas, ayam goreng pedas, ayam masak pedas, dsbayam * pedas

TANDA TITIK (.): Karakter pengganti huruf, angka dan karakter tunggal. Dari contoh di bawah, hasil yang didapat bisa: kopi, koki, kodi, dsbko.i

CASE INSENSITIVE: Pencarian di Google menganggap kapital dan bukan kapital sebagai sesuatu yang sama. Jadi, romi satria wahono, Romi Satria Wahono, atau RoMi SaTrIA waHoNo akan membawa hasil pencarian yang sama

PENGABAIAN KATA: Google mengabaikan keyword berupa karakter tunggal dan kata-kata berikut: a, about, an, and, are, as, at, b, by, from, how, i , in, is, it, of, on, or, that, the, this, to, we, what, when, where, which, with. Apabila kita masih tetap menginginkan pencarian kata tersebut, bisa dengan menggunakan karakter + di depan kata yang dicari (contoh: Star Wars Episode +I), atau bisa juga dengan menganggapnya sebagai frase (contoh: “Star Wars Episode I”)

I’M FEELING LUCKY: Akan membawa kita langsung menuju ke hasil pencarian pertama dari query kita

DEFINE: Mencari definisi dari sebuah terminologi. Dari contoh di bawah, hasil yang didapat adalah berbagai definisi tentang e-learning dari berbagai sumberdefine:e-learning

CACHE: Menampilkan situs web yang telah diindeks oleh Google meskipun sudah tidak aktif lagi. Contoh di bawah akan menghasilkan pencarian kata php pada situs ilmukomputer.com yang ada di indeks Google.cache:ilmukomputer.com php

LINK: Menampilkan daftar link yang mengarah ke sebuah situs. Contoh di bawah akan menampilkan daftar link yang mengarah ke situs ilmukomputer.comlink:ilmukomputer.com

RELATED: Menampilkan daftar situs yang serupa, mirip atau memiliki hubungan dengan suatu situsrelated:romisatriawahono.net

INFO: Menampilkan informasi yang Google ketahui tentang sebuah situsinfo:romisatriawahono.net

SITE: Menampilkan pencarian khusus di suatu situs yang ditunjukjava site:ilmukomputer.com

FILETYPE: Menampilkan hasil pencarian berupa suatu jenis (ekstensi) file tertentu. Jenis file yang bisa dicari adalah: doc, xls, rtf, swf, ps, lwp, wri, ppt, pdf, mdb, txt, dsb. Contoh di bawah akan menampilkan hasil pencarian berupa file PDF yang mengandung keyword software engineeringsoftware engineering filetype:pdf

ALLINTITLE: Menampilkan seluruh kata yang dicari dalam TITLE halaman. Contoh di bawah akan menghasilkan halaman yang memiliki title java programming. allintitle ini tidak dapat digabungkan dengan operator (sintaks) lain. Gunakan intitle untuk keperluan itu.allintitle:java programming

INTITLE: Menampilkan satu kata yang dicari dalam TITLE halaman. Contoh di bawah akan menghasilkan halaman yang memiliki title java dan isi halaman yang mengandung kata enterpriseintitle:java enterprise

ALLINURL: Menampilkan seluruh kata yang dicari di dalam URL. Contoh di bawah akan menghasilkan daftar URL yang mengandung kata java dan programming. allinurl ini tidak dapat digabungkan dengan operator (sintaks) lain. Gunakan inurl untuk keperluan itu.allinurl:java programming

INURL: Menampilkan satu kata yang dicari di dalam URL. Contoh di bawah akan menghasilkan daftar URL yang mengandung kata java dan isi halaman yang mengandung kata enterpriseinurl:java enterprise

Pencarian yang kita lakukan akan semakin efektif apabila kita mencoba menggabungkan beberapa operator baik yang ada di fitur pencarian dasar maupun lanjut. Misalnya, kita ingin mencari file-file PDF yang ada di situs http://www.pdii.lipi.go.id/. Maka kita gabungkan dua operator menjadi:filetype:pdf site:www.pdii.lipi.go.id
Dewasa ini permainan query pencarian Google banyak digunakan para hacker dan cracker untuk mencari berbagai informasi, file, dan konfigurasi yang memiliki lubang keamanan. Aktifitas ini terkenal dengan sebutan Google Hacking. Kapan-kapan kita bahas tentang yang satu ini, setelah kita mahir bermain-main dengan berbagai operator pencarian Google

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Senin, 24 Maret 2008



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Selasa, 18 Maret 2008


This Blog is devotion from a physics teacher. I moved to provide the practice tes for the final exam of national in indonesia. (I devoted to give the practice problem to children go to high school, to get wise to physics.)
Wah.....sory banget blum bisa muncul. Soal-soalnya sudah siap tapi belum bisa di upload
Tunggu dulu ya baru dicoba-coba dimasukan tapi belum bisa.

Aku dapat solusinya nih, dari browser internet, saya cantolkan saja dengan tempat menyimpan file di web lain aja ya.... Tapi tidak mengurangi isi. langsung download aja disana. Lingnya ada dibawah.

Ada keterangan misalnya Azas Black dan perpindahan kalor yang dicetak tebal disoal itu. Ini adalah rambu rambu prediksi materi yang akan keluar. Semoga bermanfaat.

Eh Tunggu... untuk semakin meyakinkan kamu, kerjakan soal ini berualng ulang bahkan ketika kamu sudah menemukan jawabnya. semakin kamu hapal cara mengerjakan soal-soal ini maka bila ada soal yang mirip dengan ini, pikiran kamu langsung nyantol dan bisa mengerjakan. Pokoknya kuncinya lakukan berulang ulang. Cara mengerjakan tidak hanya dibaca tapi dengan cara menulis (eksak man) lagi menulis lagi..... dan menulis lagi. 5 kali mengerjakan dijamin pasti berhasil dan hapal. Yang kamu butuhkan pengalaman mengerjakan soal. TITIK ndak ada yang lain.

Tunggu lagi yang lain aku baru menulisnya. semoga nanti semakin lengkap dan anda bisa belajar banyak dari soal soal ini. Catat saja alamatku di buku atau foldrmu.

Nanti saya posting soal saal yang sekarang baru aku ketik.

Sementara ambil aja filenya

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